The opening of the 2022/2023 academic year was held on 04 October 2022, in the ceremony hall of the International Vision University.  The opening ceremony in question was attended by the Founding Rector of the International Vision University, Prof. Dr. Fadıl HOCA, the Rector of the International Vision University Prof. Dr. Ahmet Vecdi CAN, the President of the Turkish Democratic Party and the Deputy of the Republic of North Macedonia, Dr Beycan İlyas, the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies of the Republic of North Macedonia. Mr. Enver Husein, Former Minister of State of the Republic of North Macedonia Mr. Hadi Nezir, Undersecretary of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of North Macedonia Assist. Prof.Dr Mueddin Kahveci, Director of Yunus Emre Institute in Skopje Mr.Serhat Kula, Director of Education Development Department Mr. Zekeriya Hasip, Deputy Director of Protection and Rescue of the Republic of North Macedonia Mr. Zülfikar Zeynullah, as well as many guests, International VISION University's vice-rectors, professors, and a large number of university students and their parents. 

Greeting speeches were carried by President of TDP and North Macedonian Deputy and Macedonian-Turkey Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group President Dr. Beycan İLYAS and the Director of Yunus Emre Institute in Skopje Mr.Serhat Kula. Prof. Dr. Fadıl HOCA, who made the opening speech of the program served as the rector for 2 consecutive terms between 2014-2022, talked extensively about the activities of the university in 8 years and the international relations of the university and wished the newly elected rector success in his working activities. After his farewell speech, Prof. Dr. Fadıl HOCA handed over his duty to the former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of TC Sakarya University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Vecdi CAN, who was elected as the rector of the International VISION University, with the handover ceremony. Making the first opening speech of the 2022/2023 academic year, the new rector of International Vision University Prof. Dr. Ahmet Vecdi CAN then presented the President of the Senate and the newly elected Deans to the guests. Prof. Dr. Fadıl HOCA was honoured with the Award for the contribution and effort that he has given by the President of the Şar Vardar Foundation, Mr. Mefail Recep, in 2014-2022 periods for his maximum effort and support for the institutionalization and development of the University by performing the duty of the Founding Rector of the International VISION University.   


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