
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS1001 Anatomy and Histology 7
NRS1002 Introduction to Nursing 6
NRS1003 Physiology 6
NRS1004 Methods of Health Promotion and Health Education 6
Elective Course 5
NRS1010 English Language
NRS1011 German Language
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS1005 Pharmacology and Medical Biochemistry 7
NRS1006 Microbiology and Immunology 6
NRS1007 Healthcare in Geriatrics and Gerontology 6
NRS1008 Clinical Practice I 6
Elective Course 5
NRS1012 Professional English Language
NRS1013 Professional German Language
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS2001 Health Care in Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopedics 7
NRS2002 Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy in Geriatrics 6
NRS2003 Health Care for Patients with Internal Diseases 6
NRS2004 Clinical Practice II 6
Elective Course 5
NRS2010 Interpersonal Communication in Healthcare
NRS2011 Control of Nosocomial Infections
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS2005 Health Care in Pediatrics 7
NRS2006 Health and Social Legislation 6
NRS2007 Health Care of Oncology Patients in Oncology 6
NRS2008 Clinical Practice III 6
Elective Course 5
NRS2012 Patronage Health Care
NRS2013 Gynecological Oncology
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS3001 Home Care Services and Geriatrics 7
NRS3002 Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Infants and Children 6
NRS3003 Health Care in Psychiatry 6
NRS3004 Clinical Practice IV 6
Elective Course 5
NRS3010 Modern Diagnostic Methods
NRS3011 Emergency Medical Care Services
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS3005 Health Care in Gynecology and Obstetrics 7
NRS3006 Health Care and Emergency Care in pecial cases 6
NRS3007 Healthcare Management 6
NRS3008 Clinical Practice V 6
Elective Course 5
NRS3012 Healthcare and Resuscitation in Emergency Cases
NRS3013 Infertility in Nursing
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS4001 Health Statistics and Informatics 6
NRS4002 Clinical Psychology 7
NRS4003 Ethics in Healthcare 6
NRS4004 Clinical Practice VI 6
Elective Course 5
NRS4010 Nursing Care in Transplantation
NRS4011 Leadership in Nursing
Total 30
Lesson code Course Name ECTS
NRS4005 Communication in Medicine 8
NRS4006 Public Health and Family Medicine 8
NRS4007 Clinical Practice VII 6
NRS4008 Graduation Thesis 8
Total 30


Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
Kafkasya Üniversiteler Birliği
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi