During the visit, Deputy Ertuğrul Koçacık met with the university administration and received information about the university's activities. During the meeting with the university's rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Vecdi Can, the Deputy was thoroughly briefed on the current state of the university, the activities carried out, and future projects. Additionally, the Deputy inspected the university's physical and infrastructural capacities, technical and technological equipment, and was informed about the international composition of the study programs, students, and academic staff of the university. Following the meeting, the Deputy visited the scientific research laboratories, the mock courtroom, the health sciences laboratories, and the library, where he had the opportunity to review the academic textbooks published by "Vision" University, expressing his satisfaction with the university's commitment to publishing activities.

In his address during the visit, Deputy Ertuğrul Koçacık emphasized the importance of International "Vision" University as the only institution in the region offering education in Turkish, highlighting the significance of education in one's native language. He summarized his support for the university with the following words: "Universities are key institutions that prepare young people – the future of a society. International 'Vision' University is an example of coexistence, quality education, and innovative projects in this field. This visit is a testament to our support and interest in the university."

At the conclusion of the visit, our rector expressed his gratitude to the Deputy for his support and visit to the university.


Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
Kafkasya Üniversiteler Birliği
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi